Celebrating Birthdays​
If you would like to celebrate your child/ren’s birthday at pre-school can we please suggest you bring in a fresh fruit treat to be enjoyed at snack time.
We would prefer children not to bring in toys or personal items other than necessary comforters which, of course, we understand or unless as part of a topic. This is to avoid unnecessary arguments and upset at the end of the session if toys have been lost or inadvertently put away in the storeroom.
Milk, juice, water, toast, crackers and cheese, pitta breads, crackerbreads, bread and butter, fromage frais and fruit and vegetables, or similar will be provided for snack time. Each child is supplied with â…“ pint of full cream milk daily, so please encourage your child to have milk as this is good for their health. Snack time is an ideal opportunity for children to experience and try new foods.
Mobile Phones
Please note that whilst on the pre-school premises during a normal pre-school session the use of mobile phones/cameras is strictly prohibited.
Parental Information
Parent/carer helpers are always welcome once their child has settled into pre-school, generally after the first term. We would encourage you to take a turn on the rota, found on the notice board. This is an excellent way to see how your child is spending their time whilst at pre-school and is also lots of fun for both yourself and the children.
If your child is not toilet trained, please provide Nappies, Nappy Sacks and Wipes in their named bag and feel free to discuss this with the Supervisor or their key person prior to their start date.
For each session please supply your child with the following:
* Clothing that is practical, washable and easy to remove for the toilet, as we do encourage children to be as independent as possible and many activities are ‘messy play’ i.e. water, sand, dough, lots of paint and gardening.
* Soft shoes, preferably black plimsolls.
* A change of clothes in a bag.
* In cooler and wet weather please provide an outdoor coat and Wellingtons as children are allowed to play both indoors and out.
* In warmer weather please provide a sun hat and apply sun cream before arriving at pre-school.
All the above should be clearly named.
Runwell Village Pre-School T-shirts, Sweatshirts and drawstring bags can be purchased from the pre-school. The wearing of these is highly advisable but not compulsory. You can download an order form here.
The wearing of any jewellery is strictly prohibited, unless to alert of medical conditions, as we cannot accept responsibility for accidents or loss occurring from these.